Mencap 'Art the Next Step' 10 week art course
Posted by Hazel Adams on
Week 1: Art Deco pattern printing and Rennie Mackintosh rose style paintings.
Week 2: Wire Sculptures, choosing a favourite animal to sketch and work in wire.
Week 3: Shadow Puppets. Choosing scenes and characters taken from 'The Jungle Book'.
Week 4: Japenese Silk Paintings. Designing watery effects based on Hokusai's 'Great Wave'.
Week 5: Egyptian Art. Heiroglyphs and paintings on papyrus and clay models.
Week 6: Henry Moore style sculptures. Working with dry foam and clay filler.
Week 7: Self Portraits. Experimenting with watercolours on box canvasses.
Week 8: Aztec Silver Tooling and Monotypes.
Week 9: Mosaics. Making patterns from glass and stone mosaic tiles.
Week 10: Fabric Collage. Cutting and sticking various textiles to form pictures. Van Gogh pastel sketches of fresh cut flowers.