News — Shop
Fox Commission
Posted by Hazel Adams on
Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) a small watercolour painting commission going out to Ireland.
- Tags: Commission, Fine Art, Gallery, Painting, Shop
Original Toad Painting -SOLD
Posted by Hazel Adams on
Whilst delving in to a stack of old studies and illustrations, I found an amusing image of a Toad watercolour study, having put it online it sold instantly (I should see what else I have hidden away!).
Original Dragonfly Painting SOLD
Posted by Hazel Adams on
I was contacted by a wonderful gentleman from Jakarta, who on a work trip to London requested a visit my studio and see my original insect watercolour paintings. He had a difficult time choosing a favourite, but settled on purchasing my recently finished Dragonfly illustration.
Horniman Museum -Summer World Fair
Posted by Hazel Adams on
It was one of the hottest days and I set up my market stall in the beautiful Victorian Conservatory of the Horniman Museum for their celebration of the World. It was one of the hottest days of the year and we all started to melt in what is effectively a giant greenhouse, so all of the traders moved outside and we sold our pieces in the gorgeous gardens instead. It was a very successful day, I always enjoy taking part in their festivals.
- Tags: Gallery, London, Market London, Shop
Prints stocked in Turpentine Brixton
Posted by Hazel Adams on
A small selection of my insect prints are now for sale in the Turpentine Brixton if you are ever in the area the shop is a great source of artworks and gifts, so definitely pop in and take a look around.
- Tags: Shop